Please join us!


  1. Develop the Dumont Shade Tree Arboretum along West Shore Avenue, between Madison Avenue and New Milford Avenue in Dumont, New Jersey.
  2. Provide Community Education Programs regarding Shade Trees and the Environment.
  3. Foster the planting of Shade Trees in the community.
  4. Foster Master Gardening in, near and under Shade Trees in the community.
  5. Foster the Environment in the community.

Membership in Friends of the Shade Tree:

Membership can be earned through volunteer efforts or your financial support can earn membership as well. Please visit the “Support” tab for safe and secure online payment. You can also mail a check payable to: “Friends of the Shade Tree” c/o the Dumont Shade Tree Commission at Borough Hall, 50 Washington Avenue, Dumont, NJ 07628. We are a NJ Not-for-Profit Corporation with 501(c)3 status to be fully tax deductible. Thank you for your support!

Volunteer Categories:

Acorn Member: Children up to and including Fifth Grade

Young Arborist Member: 6th through 8th Grades

Junior Arborist Member: 9th through 12th Grades

Arboretum Member: Adults 18 years and older who participate in a volunteer program at or regarding the Dumont Shade Tree Arboretum, including but not limited to participation in or teaching of educational programs, arboretum maintenance, environmental programs, and of course the Garden Committee.

Bench Near Corkscrew Willow

Wreathmaking Event 2024!
