Adopt-A-Tree Planting Season
Did you know? The Arboretum was officially founded in 2009 as a Shade Tree “Show-And-Tell” by planting special Small, Medium and Large Tree Species which are suitable for street trees in our town.
The Dumont Shade Tree Commission selects a few of these species each year for the Adopt-A-Tree plantings… You can see them throughout the year in the Arboretum (South end near Madison Avenue) as they grow and mature. Sign posts identify the trees.
Can you identify these tree species throughout Dumont as more and more of our neighbors Adopt-A-Tree?
Contact the Dumont Shade Tree Desk to sign up for a FREE street tree in the Right of Way by your home or commercial property. More information and forms are available at http://www.dumontshadetree.org/AdoptaTree.htm
NEW! Free Trees are donated and available for Dumont Residents to plant at home on their property:
As of 6/19/15, Available trees are:
- Redbud (Medium Size Tree Under 50′ – Early spring flowers, heart shaped leaves)
- Hawthorne (Small Tree under 25′- Ornamental with spring flowers and red berries in winter)
- Crabapple (Small Tree under 25′ – Ornamental with spring flowers and small apples for the birds or canning)
- White Pine (Tall Tree over 50′ – With long soft green needles, grows swiftly)
All of these trees are also planted at the Arboretum… so go check them out and see if you would like one in your yard!Contact the Dumont Shade Tree Commission at 80 West Madison Ave.
For good advise on planting locations go to: