Sat. 9/12/15 – Dumont Day:
Come help and chat at the Friends Garden Table… We will have mums and a variety of other plants available for sale.
Wed. 10/7/15 7:30 to 9:00 PM, At the Senior Center:
“Autumn Gardens” Presentation by Jennifer Anderson, former Dumont Resident and Horticultural Expert, currently manager at the new Metropolitan Farms in Closter, and consultant for gardens in the Bergen County area. Come see slides, and hear fun ideas for fall gardening!
Also included: Garden Demonstration with Tips. Coffee Time: We brew, you bring a baked good to share.
Read about Jennifer on jenthegardencoach.com
Wed. 11/4/15 & 12/2/15 7:30 to 9:00 PM at the Senior Center:
Mark the dates… we are lining up fun seasonal topics for gardens and the environment! Garden Tips and Refreshments too. Suggestions for speakers are welcome. We have a monthly calendar in mind…
Saturdays at 10:00 am – ARBORETUM GARDEN COMMITTEE:
It’s been way too hot for gardening this summer again, but our weeds are enjoying it!
TLC is needed… Meet on Saturdays at 10:00 am at the Arboretum… (Rain Date Sunday at 1:00) Come when you can, say hi, and help us organize for a better garden layout! We need to make lists for better plant labeling, decide where the perennials should be relocated form the Space Shuttle Tree bed and Butterfly Garden Area, and more.
Volunteers earn FREE membership in the Friends of the Shade Tree!
Do you have any good shots to add to our tree signage and website project?
Check out the “Trees Tab” – we need photos for all the great trees during all seasons of the year. Email Photos and a name for the photo credit to Sally at [email protected].
Can you write short and sweet? We have over 60 trees in the arboretum, and are currently working on signage to include a short paragraph and photo of what makes each tree special. The new signs will also have a QR Code for Smart Phone and Tablet users to access the Tree Page on our website for the particular tree… Those pages need a good writer too, for short and informative interest. If you love to write, and are interested, please contact Sally at dumontredbud@gmail,com
Our Butterfly friendly garden area is officially started at the north end of the Arboretum (Section 5)… we have so far Butterfly Bushes (Buddhelia – non-invasive varieties), Salvia, and a dozen Perennials. Almost everything has taken to this microenvironment, and we have lots of lists to explore for next year to expand this 2015 beginning.
The “Water Brigade” chaired by Bill Zitelli has been keeping the wilting at bay this hot summer. If you love Butterflies and Humming Birds, but are not into gardening, please contact Bill, or email to Sally at [email protected] – All you need to do is run a hose or sprinkler on the plantings once a week! Easy to join in and be a Friend.
Please join the Arboretum Garden Committee to plant annuals, bring along some non-invasive perennials to share, develop the new Butterfly Memorial Garden area and be with other people who just love gardening!
The committee had our first meeting in March. We planted the two beds near the Gazebo with Violas, Chrysanthemums and Snapdragons just in time for Arbor Day… Una nurtured seeds for spring planting in the butterfly Garden. We are discussing how to upgrade the irrigation system. We took a Field trip in May to Metropolitan Farms to purchase Butterfly Bushes for the new planting. In June we went to the NYBG in the Bronx to see ROSES.
We gladly accept donations of non-invasive perennials… sun or shade lovers, we have all growing environments!
Volunteers are welcome to join us in this new exciting project!
6/13/15 ROAD TRIP to the NY Botanical Gardens, Bronx to the Rockefeller Rose Garden and the Frida Kahlo Art Exhibit. www.nybg.org
The Garden Committee is charged with helping in the garden beds in, around, and under the Shade Trees. The Arboretum is about 800’ long with many Knock-out Roses, Ilex, Boxwood, Spring Bulbs, Perennials, Grassy Areas. We need your TLC!
For More Info see: www.FOTST.org
Friends of the Shade Tree is a 501(c)3, NJ Not-for-Profit Corporation, Founded in support of the Dumont Shade Tree Arboretum West Shore Avenue, Dumont, NJ.
Sally Tayeb, FOTST Garden Committee Chair at [email protected]