January 2016 – Two feet of snow! Hawthorne Berries… a Small Tree will stay under 25 feet tall.
January 2016 – Two feet of snow! Hawthorne Berries… a Small Tree will stay under 25 feet tall.
FALL CALENDAR: Sat. 9/12/15 – Dumont Day: Come help and chat at the Friends Garden Table… We will have mums and a variety of other plants available for sale. Wed. 10/7/15 7:30 to 9:00 PM, At the Senior Center: “Autumn...
Adopt-A-Tree Planting Season Did you know? The Arboretum was officially founded in 2009 as a Shade Tree “Show-And-Tell” by planting special Small, Medium and Large Tree Species which are suitable for street trees in our town. The Dumont Shade Tree...
Amur Maple, Acer ginnala, is also known as the Hedge Maple because it takes well to pruning. In England, it’s a popular privacy screening choice for along roads and alleys with it’s shiny dark leaves setting off the colorful summer samaras. This tough little tree will...