Upcoming Events
2016 has been a busy year for the Shade Tree. We hope that you can join us for the fall events, currently in the planning stages. For a full list of events please visit our events page and stay in...
2016 has been a busy year for the Shade Tree. We hope that you can join us for the fall events, currently in the planning stages. For a full list of events please visit our events page and stay in...
Trees can be divided into two groups: deciduous trees, which lose all their leaves in autumn and evergreens, which keep leaves on their branches throughout the year. Evergreens, such as holly, usually have leaves which are covered in a...
The Dumont Winter Festival was a phenomenal success! Thanks to Councilwoman Ellen Zamechansky, the Dumont DPW, and the Dumont Police Department and all the volunteers who helped with all the festivities.The Dumont Shade Tree Commission was in attendance handing out lollipops and candy. Santa arrived on the Firetruck thanks...
Please Join Friends of the Shade Tree and the Dumont Shade Tree Commission on November 4th 2015, at the Dumont Elks Lodge, 15 American Legion Terrace (Upstairs Room) from 7:30-9:00PM for Birds of Bergen County. The presentation will be by Don...
A big branchy thank you to everyone for a wonderful Dumont Day experience. The town came out in force to celebrate and share the day with their families. It was a glorious Fall Day! At the Dumont Shade Tree...
Fall Edition Leaves of some trees such as birches, tulip poplars, redbud and hickory, are always yellow in the fall, never red. Leaves of evergreen trees stay green all year but drop some their older leaves, or needles, which...
FALL CALENDAR: Sat. 9/12/15 – Dumont Day: Come help and chat at the Friends Garden Table… We will have mums and a variety of other plants available for sale. Wed. 10/7/15 7:30 to 9:00 PM, At the Senior Center: “Autumn...
Arbor Day 2015 was celebrated at the Dumont Arboretum on April 25th. Our elected officials were on hand to join the celebration. The day began with Boy Scout Troop 64 raising the flag and lead- ing the town in...
Dumont Shade Tree Commission is accepting applications from specific neighborhoods to participate in the Adopt-A-Tree program. If accepted, certain homes within a chosen neighborhood will receive a new healthy 8-12’ tree. The Shade Tree commission will purchase and plant...
The DSTC hosted the first ever and surely to be annual Living History at the Arboretum! Riding the Rails Through History! On June 6, 2015 it was a celebration of the Dumont Railroad Station and our Train History! Displays...